Jumat, 03 April 2015

Bahasa Inggris 2

1. Subject is :
The subject of a sentence is the person, place, thing, or idea that is doing or being something. You can find the subject of a sentence if you can find the verb. Ask the question, “who or what ‘verb’ or ‘verbed’?” and the answer to that question is the subject. For instance, in the sentence “the computers in the learning center must be replaced, “the verb is “must be replaced. “What must be replaced ? the computers. So the subject is “computers. “A simple subject is the subjectof a sentence stripped of modifiers.

Verb is :
A verb is a word that expresses an action or a state of being.

Object is :
An entity that is acted upon by the subject.

Complement is :
A word to complete the meaning of subject, object, or verb.

Example :
1. She (s) bougth (v) some book (o) yesterday (complement)
2. She (s) called (v) me (o) a genious (complement)
3. That case (s) made (v) the lawyer (o) famous (complement)
4. The noise (s) drove (v) her (o) mad (complement)
5. My brother (s) played (v) basket ball (o) last night (complement)

2. Subject-verb agreement means that the subject and verb endings agree in number.

Example :
1. We were roasting corn
2. I dont like some fruit
3. Those hat are very cute for me
4. The manager has checkedthe documents
5. The goat was eating

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